

Here you'll find informtaion about how to contact us about donations to the collections. Please read the information below and then fill in the form.

A collection of objects from Congo

The National Museums of World Culture regularly receive offers for donations of objects, archival material, and images. We assess each offer carefully and relate it to the existing collection, available resources, and our current collecting focus. The condition of the object is also important as we manage and preserve all acquisitions with a long-term perspective.

Likewise, we need to ensure that all acquisitions and exports have been legal and with the principles of due diligence (please see the UNESCO convention from 1970/1995 HERE and ICOM’s ethical guidelines HERE).

Since we adhere to the principles mentioned above, we often must decline donation offers. This does not mean that your object is uninteresting, and to the extent that we are able, we try to refer you to other museums or organizations that may be interested in receiving your donation. We also regularly refer to the embassies of the countries from which the items originate.

The process of donation offers can take a long time, sometimes several months, which we hope you will understand. We make an initial assessment based on the form below, so make sure to give as much detail as possible. If you have questions about the form, please contact: collections@varldskulturmuseerna.se.

Please note:

• We very rarely buy objects that are offered for sale.
• Donation offers are made via the form below and we ask you not to bring the object to the museums. We are not taking responsibility for objects brought to the museum.
• Donating an object in your will is no guarantee that we will be able to accept the gift. You are welcome to contact us when writing your will so that we can explain more.


In order to submit your donation request, you must agree to the terms of the GDPR at the National museums of World Culture. Personal data provided when offering a donation is archived. You can read more about your personal data here.


Donation form

If your donation regards photographs, please also describe the following:
  • the photographer's name
  • your relationship to the photographer
  • for what purpose the images were taken
  • if the photographer was a professional photographer
  • if the photographs are still protected by copyright